17th of Shahrivar, 1362 (September 8, 1983)
Judge for international painting competitions for children with illness, for four consecutive years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
the artist about Getting to know him
Solo exhibition “Zhinagah” at Rawi Gallery, December 2021.
Solo exhibition “Unlimited” at Salles Gallery, May 2022.
Participated in four editions of the One Million Exhibition at Salles Gallery.
Selected artwork in the Illustration Biennale and Fajr Exhibition in 2013.
Selected artwork for a billboard (Nikaan Mammoth) in 2013.
Head of Art at Adab Model Schools in 2015.
Participated in the first Cultural and Art Festival of Iran in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2015.
Participated in the group exhibition “Paper Yalda” with the presence of the President of ECO Institute, ambassadors from member countries, and a number of artists and cultural activists, held at the ECO Institute from 21st December to 31st December 2017.
Participated in a group exhibition at Niavaran Palace with the theme of tourism in 2021.
Seven years of specialized teaching in creative drawing and digital painting.
Cover design and collaboration with educational systems.
Fashion design and first place in the province in 2001.
Character design for the brands Nabard and Balsa.
Logo designs for Golestan Diamond, Sushi Land Restaurant, and others.