Saba Safa

the artist

Saba Safa

17th of Shahrivar, 1362 (September 8, 1983) Judge for international painting competitions for children with illness, for four consecutive years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
the artist about Getting to know him


  • Solo exhibition “Zhinagah” at Rawi Gallery, December 2021.
  • Solo exhibition “Unlimited” at Salles Gallery, May 2022.
  • Participated in four editions of the One Million Exhibition at Salles Gallery.



  • Selected artwork in the Illustration Biennale and Fajr Exhibition in 2013.
  • Selected artwork for a billboard (Nikaan Mammoth) in 2013.
  • Head of Art at Adab Model Schools in 2015.
  • Participated in the first Cultural and Art Festival of Iran in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2015.
  • Participated in the group exhibition “Paper Yalda” with the presence of the President of ECO Institute, ambassadors from member countries, and a number of artists and cultural activists, held at the ECO Institute from 21st December to 31st December 2017.
  • Participated in a group exhibition at Niavaran Palace with the theme of tourism in 2021.
  • Seven years of specialized teaching in creative drawing and digital painting.
  • Cover design and collaboration with educational systems.
  • Fashion design and first place in the province in 2001.
  • Character design for the brands Nabard and Balsa.
  • Logo designs for Golestan Diamond, Sushi Land Restaurant, and others.