Creating an account is your gateway to showcasing your art on Art Carme and joining a vibrant community of creators. By signing up, you’ll provide essential details that help us feature your art, process sales, and ensure smooth transactions.
Click here to create your Artist account. Be sure to complete all required fields and review the Terms and Conditions for Artists.
After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a verification link. Click the link to activate your account. Without verification, you won’t be able to log in and access your dashboard.
Use your registered email and password to log in. Once logged in, your account name will appear at the top of the page beside your cart. Click your name to access your personalized menu, including:
To make the most of your account, click Account in the menu (or use the “Edit my profile” link on your Dashboard) to provide additional details. This includes:
The more information you provide, the better customers can connect with you and your art. Don’t forget to hit the Save button when you’re done!
Upload a high-quality photo of yourself by selecting Update and choosing an image from your device. A friendly, head-and-shoulders shot works best to create trust and connection with buyers. If you’d rather not use your photo, you can upload one of your artworks instead.
If you encounter any issues, our team is here to assist.
To unlock all the benefits and start selling, purchase your membership subscription today.
All rights reserved © ArtGallery 2020
Website designed and SEO by: Carmel Maleki